
Owing to the continuous compaction of cities and mega cities through indiscriminate proliferation of high-rise buildings, this research investigates the livability correlates of high-rise buildings in Eti-Osa. Nearest Neighbour Analysis was used to explain the spatial pattern of the high rise buildings. Chi square was used to explain the spatial variation in land uses within high-rise buildings. Independent two-sample t-test was used to explain the spatial variation in livability. Principal component variant of factor analysis was used to generate linear composites of Relative Livability Quality Index (RLQI) while Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was used to explain the relationship between the incidence of high-rise buildings and the RLQI of the study area.High-rise buildings were clustered in the area (Rn = 0.622). There is spatial variation in land use within high-rise buildings (p = 0.000). Livability is moderately high in the study area with basic facility index of 57.8%, cost of living (88.9%), property value (86.1%), sense of safety (80.0%) and neighbourhood quality (62%). There is no spatial variation in residential livability quality (T = 0.880, p = 0.400). There is a reliable relationship between the incidence of high-rise buildings and residents’ livability (R = 0.797; p = 0.036). The study concludes that high-rise buildings have a high propensity to increase livability due to the proximity of facilities it offers. Thus, environmentally friendly green building approach to high-rise buildings and strict enforcement of development control laws was recommended.

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