
At Wadi Al Hitan area, rapid lateral and vertical variation is observed among the exposed middle and upper Eocene rock units. The tradionally known formations (Gehannam, Briket Qaroun, Qasr El-Sagha formations) interfinger laterally and not chronologically stacked above each other in most areas. Fine siltstones and claystones characterize the Gehannam Formation, sandstones and calcareous sandstones are characteristic for Briket Qaroun Formation, dark gray claystones are attributed to Garet El-Naqb Formation and interbedded claystones are attributed to Qasr El-Sagha Formation, irrespective of their stratigraphic position. Within these formations large numbers of marine vertebrate and invertebrate fossils exist at different stratigraphic levels. Whales are classified into four species belonging to four genera, these include Basilosaurus isis, Dorudon atrox, Saghacetus Osiris and Anclacetus simonsi. Basilosaurus isis and Dorudon atrox are the most common whale species exist in these formations. No major break in sedimentation has been described within the Eocene formations in Fayoum region. Only a well marked low sea stand is indicated at the top of the Gehannam Formation where it overlain by Birket Qaroun Formation.

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