
A cold-pressed pellet of ion-conducting glassy powders generally shows lower conductivity than a monolithic bulk glass with the same chemical composition. This degradation of ion conductivity of the cold-pressed pellet would be caused by interfacial resistances between glassy particles. In order to improve the conductivity of glassy pellet, we tried a hot-press method for the glassy powder in the chemical composition 75Li2S·5P2S3·20P2S5 (mol%) at around its glass-transition temperature. The hot-pressed pellet under the conditions: pressure 200 MPa, heating temperature 483 K, heating rate 5 Kmin-1 and heating time 1 h, showed high ion conductivity at 298 K, σ298K=1.5×10-3 Scm-1, and the activation energy Ea= 33 kJmol-1. Those ion conducting properties of the hot-pressed pellet were superior to those of a pellet cold-pressed at 200 MPa (σ298K= 6.1×10-4 Scm-1, Ea= 38 kJmol-1).

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