
GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Apparent Shear Viscosity of Native Egg White. E.R. Lang and C. Rha GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Computer Assisted Analysis of Some Theoretical Rate Effects in Mastication and in Deformation Testing of Foods. M. Peleg and M.D. Normand GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological and Sensory Characterization of Comminuted Fish Products from Mechanically Recovered Fish Flesh. R.M. Arocha GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Rheological Characterization of Heat‐Induced Protein Gels. D.W. Hickson GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Study on the Viscosity and Density Equations Regarding Temperature of Vegetable Oils and Salad and Frying Oils. K. Kubota, S. Kurisu, K. Suzuki, T. Matsumoto and H. Hosaka GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Physicochemical Rheology of Fruit Juices and Purees. E. Costell and L. Duran GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Thixotropic Properties of Colloidal Precipitates in Preliming Juice. J. Grabka GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Development of a Rheological Constitutive Relation for a Soft Biological Tissue. M. G. Sharma and S. Rafie GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Wheat Starch Pastes. P. T. Callaghan, K. W. Jolley, J. Lelievre and R. B. K. Wong GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Rheological Model of Nonlinear Viscoplastic Solids. K. Peleg GENERAL PRINCIPLES: The Effects of Spoilage on the Dielectric Properties of Frozen Fish. Michael Kent GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Production of Extrusion‐Texturized Protein Preparations. J. Scpendowski, L. Smietana and J. Luraw GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Parameters Influencing Spun Protein Fiber Properties 1 – Dope Preparation. M. Boulet, F. Castaigne and R. R. Riel GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Parameters Influencing Spun Protein Fiber Properties 2 – Unit Operations. F. Castaigne, M. Boulet, R. R. Riel GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Influence of Ions of Low Molecular Weight on Solubility and Rheological Properties of Wheat Gluten. R. Kieffer, J. J. Kim and M. D. Belitz OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Intra‐ and Intermuscular Variation of Shear Force of Beef. B. L. Dumont OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: A Method for Measuring the Firmness of Cooked Soybean. H. P. S. Makker, O. P. Sharma and S. S. Negi OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Correlation Between the Dry Matter Content of Fat‐Free Cottage Cheese and Its Apparent Viscosity Measured During Production. G. Corrieu, M. Lalande and A. Fissette OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Instrument Prediction of the Lean Content of Pork Carcasses Using Ultrasound or Light Reflectance. S. D. M. Jones and C. R. Haworth SENSORY MEASUREMENTS: Consumer Reaction to Processed Suntan Apples. A. A. Williams, G. M. Arnold and M. Warrington FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Correlation Between Rheological Parameters and Microstructure of Sausages of Bologna Type. L. Feher, K. Kabok and T. Huszka FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Effect of Apple Maturity and Firmness on Bruise Volume. R. G. Diener, S. Singha and J. Petit FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Extrusion Cooking of High‐Fiber Cereal Product with Crispbread Character. Y. Andersson, B. Hedlund, L. Jonsson and S. Svensson FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Textural Properties of Untoasted and Toasted Rusks. H. D. Tscheuschner and U. Bindrich FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Instrumental and Sensory Analysis of the Action of Catheptic enzymes on Flaked and Formed Beef. S. H. Cohen, R. A. Segars, A Cardello, J. Smith and f. M. Robbins FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Morphological and Textural Comparisons of Soybean Mozzarella Analogs Prepared with Different Hydrocolloids. C. S. Yang and M. V. Taranto FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Freezing and Thawing Green Curds Before Processing on the Rheological Properties of Cream Cheese. T. Hori FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Textural Properties of Salted Radish Root and Their Changes During Salting. K. Kaneko, M. Kurosaka and Y. Maede FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Canned Shrimp Texture as a Function of Its Heat History. L. Y. Ma., J. C. Deng, E. M. Ahmed and J. P. Adams FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Factors Affecting the Staling of Madeira Slab Cake. Robin C. E. Guy FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Variety, Site and Storage on Physical, Sensory and Compositional Aspects of Mashed Potato. Richard M. Faulks and Nerys M. Griffiths FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Susceptibility of Yoghurt to Syneresis. Comparison of Centrifugation and Draining Methods. V. R. Harwalker and M. Kalob FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Gelation of UHT Milk During Storage – A Comparison of Some Chemical and Physical Methods of Analysis. K. Guthy, Y. H. Hong and H. Klostermeyer FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Age Gelation of Sterilized Milks. V. R. Harwalkar

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