
The Mozarabs wrote against the Islam in Latin as well as in Arabic. The Latin texts arrive up to the end of the IXth Century, and the Arabic texts go from late in the Xth Century to the middle Xllth Century. Both of them show clearly the influence the rich Oriental Christian literature against the Islam, that of Byzantine tradition but just mainly written in Arabic. The Mozarabic texts in Arabic were the bridge for the transmission of that Oriental Christian literature to Western Europe through Peter the Venerable, Ramon Marti and Ramon Lull. Apparently the early Latin Mozarabic literature was not known out of Spain. But it was critical for building the dogmatic armor of the Spanish Christians against Islam, and partly it caused the famous mart3mal movement in Cordoba in mid IXth Century. And, of course, this texts are the first trail of that Oriental Christian literature in the West. This paper analyzes the conjectural Oriental sources of these Mozarabic texts, and is shown the significance of North Africa for the translation of those Oriental sources into Latin in order to be known by the Christians in Spain in early Islamic times. These Mozarabic texts let put a new chronology for some Oriental texts as the risāla de al-Kindī.


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