
We restrict the genusLipochaeta to the allopolyploid species of the typical section.Lipochaeta s.str. is interpreted to be the result of an intergeneric hybridization betweenMelanthera and a presently unknown taxon, perhaps of the genusWedelia. Lipochaeta is characterized, in addition to its allopolyploidy (n=26), by having both flavonols and flavones, disk corollas with 4 lobes, achenes tuberculate at maturity, the disk achenes flattened to slightly biconvex, and ray achenes obcompressed.Lipochaeta sect.Aphanopappus andWollastonia are here reduced to synonymy underMelanthera. We transfer 14 HawaiianLipochaeta and one New Caledonian species as well as the AsianWedelia prostrata toMelanthera. These transfers, along with the species in Africa and North America, bring the number of species in the genus to 35.Melanthera is delimited by an abruptly narrowed to truncate and flattened top of the achene, (0−)1–15(−20) often unequal, ciliate or barbellate, caducous pappus bristles immediately surrounding the corolla, involucral bracts and receptacular paleae with many veins forming longitudinal striations, and n=15. The florets are 5-merous, the corollas are yellow or white, and rays are absent (in white-flowered species) or present and neutral or fertile. In dealing with species formerly placed inLipochaeta, the GalapagosL. laricifolia is here transferred from the illegitimate generic nameMacraea toTrigonopterum and the BrazilianL. goyazensis is transferred toAngelphytum. We maintain the earlier reduction ofEchinocephalum underMelanthera and reduce all three taxa originally described in it to one,M. latifolia.

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