
Lipids from callus cultures and suspension cultures of higher plants constitute 5 to 8% of the dry tissue's weight. The predominant lipid classes are the sterols, steryl esters, steryl glycosides and esterified steryl glycosides. Considerable amounts of a variety of sterylglycolipids, whose structures are not completely elucidated, are also present. Triglycerides and phospholipids occur in small proportions, whereas monogalactosyl diglycerides, digalactosyl diglycerides and sulfoquinovosyl diglycerides are present only in traces, if at all. β-Sitosterol is the predominant constituent sterol, stigmasterol and campesterol as well as a variety of as yet unidentified sterols occur in smaller proportions. The major constituent fatty acids are palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. Saturated very long-chain fatty acids are found in smaller proportions. Unusual fatty acids, such as epoxy acids, which occur in the seed lipids of certain plants, are not found in tissue cultures derived from these plants. Clucose and traces of galactose are the only sugars obtained by acid hydrolysis of the glycolipids occurring in plant tissue cultures.

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