
Strains of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria, Pseudomonas facilis, Nocardia opaca 1 b, Paracoccus denitrificans and Corynebacterium autotrophicum 7 C, were grown both under chemolithoautotrophic (referred to as autotrophic) and under chemoorganoheterotrophic (referred to as heterotrophic) conditions and harvested during the phase of stationary growth. The lipid patterns of all strains were studied by quantitative chemical analyses, UV spectra, TLC and GLC of fatty acid methyl esters. In general, there were no essential qualitative differences between lipid patterns of autotrophically and those of heterotrophically grown bacteria of the same strain. The conditions of growth apparently influence only the quantitative composition of lipids. In particular, Nocardia opaca is comparatively rich in triglycerides. Ubiquinones were found in Pseudomonas facilis and in Corynebacterium autotrophicum. The latter finding is quite unusual in a Corynebacterium. Carotenoid glycosides are probably present in Corynebacterium autotrophicum, thus explaining the orange color of this organism. The bacteria studied contain a C 19 cyclopropane acid, Pseudomonas facilis and Corneynebacterium autotrophicum also

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