
The paper addresses the issue of stylistic devices and textual means of creating an atmosphere of horror in the emotive prose of Edgar Poe and Mykola Hohol. The annotated paper is acute as little scholarly attention has been paid to the linguistic matter of presenting the category of horror by both writers while the literary perspective of academic studies of Е.Poe’s and M.Hohol’s writings has evidenced a number of researches, comparative ones including. The category of horror acquires a number of poetic manifestations with both authors: within the set of characters, space and atmosphere designing etc. Edgar Poe as well as Mykola Hohol resorts to various stylistic devices to render the nuances of the horrific atmosphere. On having conducted the research, the author arrives at the conclusion that epithets and metaphors bear the greatest significance and quantity in the narratives of both men of letters since the stories contain abundance of descriptive passages. They include the description of interior and exterior designs of the dwellings, landscapes etc. The mentioned devices are also attributed with symbolic connotation assigning additional meanings and implications alluding to national philosophies and imagery. The discordance in presenting the mood of horror is observed in the way E. Poe and M Hohol evolve the development of the atmosphere as well as in the use of foreshadowing device and color tropes.

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