
The present study describes a remote sensing approach for preparing lineament map that subsequently indicates the influence of lineament density in the severity of weathering development. In this study, SPOT-5 data, the integration of SPOT-ASTER and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data were used and processed. The existence of an active fault system in the south of Mashhad city, NE Iran and presence of schistose rocks in this area result in the development of numerous lineament features. This region was selected for this research. Lineament features including fractures, bedding plane, cleavage, shear zones and schistosity were mapped in the study area. The results indicate that the highest concentration of lineaments occurred in the central-western and south-eastern parts of the study area, which coincide with metamorphic outcrops and NW-SE trending fault system. A comparison of lineament statistical analysis and field survey demonstrated that the structural discontinuities have a significant effect on forming and distribution of weathering profiles. It was observed that increasing the number, length and density of structural discontinuities led to strong severity in weathering, which can produce deep residual soils susceptible to landslide occurrence. The remote sensing approach developed in this study can be applicable for preparing lineament maps and evaluating the severity of weathering development in other active fault zones around the world.

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