
In limnetic ecosystem, water quality depends upon physical, chemical, and biological factors. Effects of temperature, light scattering, and absorption by suspended and dissolved matter, transport, and mixing of nutrients within the lake are the significant factors as far as water quality is concerned. Nutrient loading into the lake and internal cycling of nutrients is always a matter of concern and critical to number of processes. During the winter season, heat and momentum transfer at the lake surface and the temperature-density relation of water destabilize the water column and drive vertical mixing and transport processes. The deepening of the surface layer produces nutrient transfer from the hypolimnion into the euphotic zone of epilimnion. It may also resuspend sediments that would have settled under stratified conditions, or redistribute particles that may still be in suspension. Thus, there exists a complex connection between the hydrodynamics and water quality issues. Present study is an effort to understand how seasonal changes in the limnetic ecosystem regulate the limnochemistry and movement of nutrient. The study revealed that significant variations of nutrients and organic load were observed between epilimnion and hypolimnion during summer season, and the lake was found in hyper-eutrophic condition throughout the study period.

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