
We consider 4d mathcal{N} = 1 theories arising from F-theory compactifications on elliptically-fibered Calabi-Yau four-folds and investigate the non-perturbative structure of their scalar field space beyond the large volume/large complex structure regime. We focus on regimes where the F-theory field space effectively reduces to the deformation space of the worldsheet theory of a critical string obtained from a wrapped D3-brane. In case that this critical string is a heterotic string with a simple GLSM description, we identify new strong coupling singularities in the interior of the F-theory field space. Whereas from the perturbative perspective these singularities manifest themselves through a breakdown of the perturbative α′-expansion, the dual GLSM perspective reveals that at the non-perturbative level these singularities correspond to loci in field space along which the worldsheet theory of the critical D3-brane string breaks down and a 7-brane gauge theory becomes strongly coupled due to quantum effects. Therefore these singularities signal a transition to a strong coupling phase in the F-theory field space which can be shown to arise due to the failure of the F-theory field space to factorize between complex structure and Kähler sector at the quantum level. Such singularities are hence a feature of a genuine mathcal{N} = 1 theory without a direct counterpart in mathcal{N} = 2 theories in 4d. By relating our setup to recent studies of global string solutions associated to axionic strings we argue that the D3-brane string dual to the perturbative heterotic string leaves the spectrum of BPS strings when traversing into the strong coupling phase. The absence of the perturbative, critical heterotic string then provides a physical explanation for the breakdown of the perturbative expansion and the obstruction of certain classical infinite distance limits in accordance with the Emergent String Conjecture.

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