
The miscibility and the kinetics of pressure-induced phase separation in solutions of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) in acetone + CO2 binary fluid mixtures have been studied at pressures up to 28 MPa and temperatures up to 410 K using a unique high pressure view-cell equipped with a dual set of pistons and dual set of sapphire windows. One set of the windows separated by 25.4 mm allows the assessment of the phase state and is used to monitor the transmitted light intensities. The second set of windows separated by 50 μm is used to monitor the scattered light intensities over a wide range of scattering vector q (from 0.35 to 4 μm−1) which allows the assessment of the mechanism of phase separation. Investigations have been carried out for a wide range of polymer concentrations, from 2.0 to 34.9 wt%, while holding the acetone-to-CO2 (wt:wt) ratio in each solution at a constant value of 2:1. The dual set of pistons that are employed which are synchronized and motorized create a churn-like action in the cell insuring effective mixing, even at the high polymer concentrations by translating the cell content across a magnetically-coupled rotating mixer impeller. The piston actions assure also that the solution is effectively introduced into the narrow gap between the scattering windows, and refreshed. The solutions at off-critical concentrations undergo pressure-induced phase separation via nucleation and growth mechanism which shows circular symmetric patterns in their light scattering patterns. For these solutions, the Debye–Bueche type scattering function was used to analyze the domain size of the new phase that forms and develops after a pressure quench. The phase separation in solutions at or near the critical polymer concentrations (9.0–15.0 wt%) proceeds via spinodal decomposition which is characterized by the formation and evolution of the spinodal ring patterns corresponding to a maximum in the angular variation of the scattered light intensities. The results in early stage of the spinodal decomposition were described by the linearized Cahn theory. The variation of the scattered light intensity maximum Im and its location in scattering vectors qm with time in the later stage of the spinodal decomposition obey power-law scaling according to Im ∼ tβ and qm ∼ t−α. The results for the 9.0 and 12.0 wt% solutions show that β/α changes its value from β/α > 3 to β/α ≈ 3 with time, indicating the progression of the spinodal decomposition from intermediate to late stage.

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