
We make a critical comparison of several versions of instanton-induced interactions present in the literature, all based on ITEP group’s extension to three colours and flavours of ’t Hooft’s effective lagrangian, with the predictions of the phenomenological Kobayashi–Kondo–Maskawa (KKM) chiral quark lagrangian. We analyze the effects of all versions of the effective U A (1) symmetry breaking interactions on light hadron spectra in the non-relativistic constituent quark model. We show that the KKMT force, when used as a residual hyperfine interaction reproduces the correct ordering of pseudoscalar and vector mesons even without explicitly taking chiral symmetry into account. Moreover, the nucleon spectra are also correctly reproduced, only the Roper resonance remains too high, albeit lower than usual, at 1660 MeV. The latter’s lower than expected mass is not due to a small excitation energy, as in the Glozman–Riska (GR) model, but to a combination of colour, flavour, and spatial wave function properties that enhance the relevant matrix elements. The KKMT interaction explicitly depends on flavour and spin of the quarks, but unlike the GR flavour–spin one it has a firm footing in QCD. In the process we provide several technical advances, in particular we show the first explicit derivation of the three-body Fierz transformation and apply it to the KKM interaction. We also discuss the ambiguities associated with the colour degree of freedom.

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