
Gallegostrongylus australis Spratt, Haycock & Walter, 2001 (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae) developed in Deroceras panormitanum, Lehmannia nyctelia, L. flava and Milax gigates (Gastropoda). The first moult occurred at 18-19 days after infection (DAI) and the second moult at 28 DAI. Larvae were infective to experimental murid definitive hosts at 35 DAI. In experimentally infected Rattus fuscipes larvae moulted L3-4 at 3 DAI and L4-5 at 6-7 DAI. Patency in R.fuscipes, R. lutreolus, R. norvegicus and R. rattus occurred 27-64 DAI and duration varied from 7-392 days. Histopathological changes in the lungs of R. lutreolus and development of debilitating clinical signs, in contrast to R. fuscipes, suggests that the former host-parasite relationship may be the more recent one but other traits suggest the opposite. Patent infections were established in some wild R. rattus and some laboratory R. norvegicus but not in wild M. domesticus, laboratory M. musculus, rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, and marsupial bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus.

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