
A cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment (LCA) was done to identify the environmental impacts related to pentachlorophenol (penta)-treated wooden utility poles. Penta-treated utility poles commonly are used for electricity distribution and transmission, and telecommunications. In addition, this LCA has evaluated the opportunities to reduce the environmental impacts associated with penta-treated poles and has compared the penta-treated pole product to alternative products. A model of penta-treated utility pole life cycle stages was created and used to determine inputs and outputs during the pole production, treating, service life, and disposal stages. Pole production data are based on published sources. Primary wood preservative treatment data were obtained by surveying wood treatment facilities in the United States. Product service life and disposal inventory data are based on published data and professional judgment. Life cycle inventory inputs, outputs, and impact indicators for penta-treated utility poles were quantified per pole. In a similar manner, an inventory model was developed for the manufacture, service life, and disposal of the primary alternative products: steel and spun concrete utility poles. Impact indicator values, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, fossil fuel and water use, and emissions with the potential to cause acidification, smog, ecological toxicity, and eutrophication were quantified for each of the pole products. The GHG, fossil fuel use, acidification, water use, eutrophication, and ecological toxicity impact indicator values for penta-treated poles are less than those for concrete poles. The GHG, fossil fuel use, acidification, water use, and ecological toxicity impact indicator values for penta-treated poles are less than those for steel poles. The values are about equal for eutrophication. The smog impact from penta-treated poles is greater than the smog impact from both concrete and steel poles.

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