
This study aims to provide a technique applied to archaeology to estimate lidar-based aboveground biomass (AGB) in contemporary tropical forests surrounding archaeological sites. Accurate AGB estimations are important to serve as a baseline to evaluate the wood resources that the ancient Maya could have used for the development of their cities. A lidar processing model is proposed to study the contemporary forest surrounding the Yaxnohcah archaeological site. As tropical forests are highly diverse environments where species are not uniformly distributed, it was necessary to consider the variation within the forest to obtain accurate AGB. Four vegetation communities were defined from a supervised classification of a Sentinel-2 satellite image. A stratified sample was then selected for the field survey that comprised 73 transects of 500 m2 each. To estimate the transect AGB, we used an allometric equation that requires diameter, height, and wood density measurements for identified species. Linear-derived models provided the relationship between field data with lidar statistics for each vegetation type. Predicted average AGB values agreed with those obtained in the field. However, they significantly differed between vegetation types, averaging 83 Mg/ha for lowland forest, 178 for transition forest, and 215 for upland forest communities. From those results, we created a map with wall-to-wall AGB estimates following the distribution of vegetation classes that could complement archaeological research of past land use. Vegetation classification also helped determine that there is a spatial relationship between vegetation communities and the distribution of archaeological settlement features for the ancient city of Yaxnohcah.

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