
A new Li-Ni-Mn spinel of the composition Li0.5Ni0.5Mn2O4 was successfully prepared by thermal decomposition of citrate complexes followed by quenching from 1048 K. The distribution of cations in this oxide was deduced from X-ray powder diffraction and XPS measurements. High pressure powder X-ray diffraction measurements were performed up to pressures of approximately 6 GPa. The cubic spinel phase remained stable within the pressure range of this study. The bulk modulus calculated from the second order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state with the data following from our study was B0 = 136 (3) GPa, while the initial volume was V0 = 578.4 (3) Å3. The obtained bulk modulus fits into the general trend of compressibility increasing with growing lithium content at tetrahedral sites. The result of the experiment reported here has provided the first proof of the earlier postulated tendency.

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