
After the successful run 1 of the LHC, the LHCb Core software team has taken advantage of the long shutdown to consolidate and improve its build and deployment infrastructure. Several of the related projects have already been presented like the build system using Jenkins, as well as the LHCb Performance and Regression testing infrastructure. Some components are completely new, like the Software Configuration Database (using the Graph DB Neo4j), or the new packaging installation using RPM packages. Furthermore all those parts are integrated to allow easier and quicker releases of the LHCb Software stack, therefore reducing the risk of operational errors. Integration and Regression tests are also now easier to implement, allowing to improve further the software checks.


  • Software is a critical part of particle physics experiments: millions of lines of code are needed to process and analyse the recorded data

  • Continuous build system Until 2013, Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment (LHCb) was using a custom made nightly build system, based on the one described in [1]. While this allowed for highly customized features, the system lacked many that are common in continuous build systems used in industry

  • At the end of the build, the software packages are directly available on the LHCb central build machine, alongside the build reports with warnings and errors in case of problems

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