
The article deals with the functional-semantic parameters and pragmatic-expressive specificity of the formation and functioning of military jargonisms - lexical-phraseological symbolic forms of objectification of the MILITARY concept. Expressive-evaluative and figurative motivation of connotative meanings on the basis of variation with various phonosemantic associations, humorous-ironic reinterpretation of the meanings of military abbreviations, formal-content compression of components, as well as various formal-structural euphemistic substitutions ensures the formation and use along with expressive-neutral terms stylistically marked signs, which diversify the specific picture of world perception in a functionally branched collective of military personnel.
 Any professional language subsystem, in particular, a military one, is a rather specific form of language reproduction, which has a military orientation, and therefore is used mainly in the field of communication of military personnel. Its least standardized component is the lexical subsystem, which has a field character, which means that its structure is organized by analogy with the field, in which there is a center (the core - a system of terms and symbols) and a periphery (here we can include all other lexemes and substandard vocabulary ). Military vocabulary is an accumulation of language units that are united by a common meaning and reflect the substantive, conceptual and functional similarity of the nomen that they mean or denote.
 The unified nature of language norms postulates the situational use of nomination signs, the consistency of the rules of their discursive implementation. The spontaneity and logical surprise of the operative speech reaction that arises in the process of developing social interaction gives rise to rethinking, reinterpretation and formal restructuring of generally accepted, conventional linguistic units.

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