
Using GWAS data derived from a large collaborative trial (ECOG-5103), we identified a cluster of 267 SNPs which predicted CIPN in treatment-naive patients as reported in Part 1 of this study. To assess the functional and pathological implications of this set, we identified collective gene signatures were and evaluated the informational value of those signatures in defining CIPN's pathogenesis. In Part 1, we analyzed GWAS data derived from ECOG-5103, first identifying those SNPs that were most strongly associated with CIPN using Fisher's ratio. After identifying those SNPs which differentiated CIPN-positive from CIPN-negative phenotypes, we ranked them in order of their discriminatory power to produce a cluster of SNPs which provided the highest predictive accuracy using leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV). An uncertainty analysis was included. Using the best predictive SNP cluster, we performed gene attribution for each SNP using NCBI Phenotype Genotype Integrator and then assessed functionality by applying GeneAnalytics, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, and PCViz. Using aggregate data derived from the GWAS, we identified a 267 SNP cluster which was associated with a CIPN+ phenotype with an accuracy of 96.1%. We could attribute 173 genes to the 267 SNP cluster. Six long intergenic non-protein coding genes were excluded. Ultimately, the functional analysis was based on 138 genes. Of the 17 pathways identified by Gene Analytics (GA) software, the irinotecan pharmacokinetic pathway had the highest score. Highly matching gene ontology attributions included flavone metabolic process, flavonoid glucuronidation, xenobiotic glucuronidation, nervous system development, UDP glycosyltransferase activity, retinoic acid binding, protein kinase C binding, and glucoronosyl transferase activity. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) GO terms identified neuron-associated genes as most significant (p = 5.45e-10). Consistent with the GA's output, flavone, and flavonoid associated terms, glucuronidation were noted as were GO terms associated with neurogenesis. The application of functional analyses to phenotype-associated SNP clusters provides an independent validation step in assessing the clinical meaningfulness of GWAS-derived data. Functional analyses following gene attribution of a CIPN-predictive SNP cluster identified pathways, gene ontology terms, and a network which were consistent with a neuropathic phenotype.

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