
Objective: to estimate the level of peripheral venous blood lymphocyte apoptosis and intraoperative hypoxia in victims with acute massive blood loss. Subjects and methods. Twenty-two patients with open and close chest and abdominal traumas complicated by acute massive blood loss were examined. All the patients were emergently operated on to stop bleeding. Tissue metabolism was evaluated from gases, acid-base parameters, and plasma lactate, glucose, potassium, and sodium levels. Apoptosis of mononuclear cells was studied and dead leukocytes were counted using flow cytometry. Results. Preoperatively, the victims were found to have venous hypoxemia, hyperlactatemia, hyperglycemia, moderate leukocytosis, and higher dead leukocyte counts. There were also raised counts of lymphocytes coming into the process of apoptosis. A significant relationship was found between monocyte counts and hypoxia values. At the end of surgery, oxygen balance values became stable and exerted an effect on the count of leukocytes, the relative level of granulocytes, the relative and absolute counts of dead and damaged leukocytes, and the concentration of lymphocytes in the victims’ venous blood during the early stages of apoptosis, as evidenced by nonlinear regression models. Conclusion. The indicators of immunocompetent cell apoptosis and the count of venous blood dead leukocytes along with lactate levels and venous hypoxemia parameters reflect the degree of tissue hypoxia and may be used as specific markers.


  • Цель работы — оценить уровень апоптоза лимфоцитов периферической венозной крови и интраоперационной гипо ксии у пострадавших с острой массивной кровопотерей

  • Twenty two patients with open and close chest and abdominal traumas complicated by acute massive blood loss were examined

  • There were raised counts of lymphocytes coming into the process of apoptosis

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Цель работы — оценить уровень апоптоза лимфоцитов периферической венозной крови и интраоперационной гипо ксии у пострадавших с острой массивной кровопотерей. На момент окончания операции показатели кислородного баланса стабилизировались и оказывали влияние на количество лейкоцитов, относительное содержание гранулоцитов, относительное и абсолютное количест во погибших и поврежденных лейкоцитов, концентрацию лимфоцитов на ранних стадиях апоптоза в венозной крови пострадавших, что подтверждалось нелинейными регрессионными моделями. Показатели апоптоза им мунокомпетентных клеток и содержание погибших лейкоцитов венозной крови наравне с уровнем лактата и параме трами венозной гипоксемии отражают степень тканевой гипоксии и могут быть использованы в качестве специфиче ских маркеров. The indicators of immunocom petent cell apoptosis and the count of venous blood dead leukocytes along with lactate levels and venous hypoxemia para meters reflect the degree of tissue hypoxia and may be used as specific markers. Цель работы — оценить реакцию лейкоцитов пе риферической венозной крови на интраоперацион ную гипоксию у пострадавших с острой массивной кровопотерей

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