
To Editor.— The article by Leon L. Wiltse and co-workers, Chymopapain Chemonucleolysis in Lumbar Disk Disease (231:474,1975), evaluated relief of pain and disability by this new method of treatment. I have followed up 260 patients one year after laminectomy for lumbar disk disease and classified results into categories almost identical to theirs. After chymopapain therapy, results were as follows: excellent, 108 (34%); good, 111 (35%); fair, 38 (12%); and poor or failure, 60 (19%). Results after laminectomy were as follows: excellent, 78 (30%); good, 115 (44%); fair, 34 (13%); poor or failure, 33 (13%). I found no significant difference in two groups by X 2 partition. This supports authors' conclusion that the overall incidence of symptomatic relief after chemonucleolysis is as good as that after laminectomy. However, there are several variables that must be controlled before this comparison is valid. The presence of compensation

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