
More than 200 naturally aged components and samples, ranging in size from small instruments and metallurgical specimens to one of the main coolant pumps, have been removed in conjunction with the decommissioning of the Shippingport Atomic Power Station and shipped to designated US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) contractors. In-situ assessments of selected Shippingport Station systems and components have also been conducted. Although the detailed evaluation of the naturally aged components and materials from the Shippingport Station is just beginning, there are a number of preliminary studies and results that are indicative of the value of the aging information that ultimately will be obtained. This paper presents background information on the Shippingport Station and its history, discusses the selection and relevancy of the naturally aged components and materials obtained through the NRC Nuclear Plant Aging Research (NPAR) program, and illustrates the type of important plant aging information that can be derived from the in-situ studies and detailed evaluations of the components and samples from the Shippingport Station.

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