
Abstract : represented an extremely important stage in point of the Romanian-French relations. France had been, as we have shown, the European power who looked upon the Romanian aspirations with sympathy and constantly supported the Union and the ruler whom the Romanian nation had chosen. However, it supported the Romanians starting from its more comprehensive interests towards Oriental Europe, namely economic, political and strategic interests. The double election of Al. I. Cuza caused, from the very beginning, a strong reaction abroad and a vivid agitation in the European capitals of the guaranteeing powers. Consequently, the French government showed itself positive from the very beginning concerning the acknowledgement of Al. I. Cuza’s double election, trying at the same time to win Russia and Great Britain on its side. After the acknowledgement of Al. I. Cuza’s double election, the perfection of the Union was the problem that dominated the general politics of the new state both domestically and abroad. The institutionalization of the Diplomatic Agency of the United Principalities was possible after the return of Ed. Thouvenel to Paris and after the dialogue carried out tactfully and with professionalism by Ioan Alecsandri in the company of the French foreign minister, in the afternoon of the day of 14/ 26 August 1860. In this context, the authorities acknowledged the Agency of the Romanian Principalities, though not officially recognizing it. During Al. I. Cuza’s reign, another extremely significant and interesting chapter of the Franco-Romanian relations is the one referring to the military collaboration. Drawing on the organizational model of the French system, which he had known personally, Al. I. Cuza and his main collaborators wanted to turn the Principalities into a modern European state. Napoleon III’s France represented a moral and material support for the creation of modern state institutions within the comprehensive program initiated by the Romanian ruler. Al. I. Cuza benefited most of the time of the emperor’s support, through the French diplomats. The perfection of the Union in 1861, the secularization of the monasteries’ fortune, the overthrow, the agrarian reform, the Developing Statute are just a few of Al. I. Cuza’s acts that, on the whole, had France’s agreement and support. France’s protective help, the diplomatic assistance, the political support, the inspiration from the French model were all possible after 1859 thanks to Napoleon III’s politics, which included a supportive component for the national movements, interweaved with a personal strategy in the Orient of Europe.

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