
Cet article propose une revue de la littérature concernant les liens entre stress et migraine. Dans 50 à 80 % des cas, les patients rapportent le stress comme un facteur déclenchant de la crise migraineuse. On retrouve également une plus forte incidence de maladie migraineuse chez les sujets ayant eu l’année précédente de plus forts taux de stress ce qui suggérerai que le stress puisse avoir un rôle dans le déclenchement de la maladie chez des personnes prédisposées. Enfin, le stress est un facteur pouvant influencer la progression de la maladie migraineuse vers la chronicité. Par ailleurs, plusieurs études montrent que les évènements de vie négatifs dans l’enfance sont plus fréquents chez les migraineux que chez les non migraineux. Néanmoins, il n’existe pas d’étude prospective permettant de suggérer un lien de causalité. Enfin, il faut noter une importante comorbidité entre le syndrome de stress post-traumatique et la migraine. L’ensemble de ces éléments a conduit à proposer aux migraineux des prises en charges centrées sur le stress. Plusieurs études contrôlées, dont il existe des méta-analyses, ont montrées que la relaxation, le biofeedback et les thérapies comportementale et cognitives de gestion du stress sont efficaces comme traitement prophylactique chez le migraineux, particulièrement chez l’enfant.The link between stress and migraine is complex. In its recent conception, stress is viewed as a transactional process between an individual and his-her environment in which the individual makes a response to an internal or external constraint. This paper reviews the evidence in favor of a relationship between stress and migraine. Many studies show that 50 to 80% of patients report stress as a precipitating factor for their migraine headaches. Many authors have suggested that acute stress can provoke biological modifications lowering the threshold of the individual's susceptibility to a migraine attack. It has also been shown that the incidence of migraine is higher when stress scores are higher in the previous year. This suggests that as well as being a precipitating factor of crisis, stress could also be a precipitating factor of illness in susceptible individuals. Moreover, stress can trigger migraine chronification. This has been shown in many retrospective studies and in one prospective study. Hyperalgesia and central sensitivity to pain induced by chronic stress can partly explain this phenomenon. Many retrospective studies also show that adverse events during childhood, like sexual and physical abuse, are more frequent in migraineurs than non-migraineurs. Nevertheless, there is no prospective study allowing considering a causal link between childhood abuse and migraine in adulthood. Another point that will be tackled is the comorbidity between stress related psychiatric disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, and migraine. Here again, many studies conducted in huge samples from the general population are convincing. All that leads to propose stress management therapies to migraineurs. Randomized control trials and meta-analyses have shown that relaxation therapies, biofeedback and stress management cognitive behavioral therapies are effective in migraine prophylaxis, above all in children. The use of these therapies is of particular interest in association with pharmacological treatments in patients with frequent crises. However, the majority of the studies have poor methodological standards. Nevertheless, stress management therapies are proposed as prophylactic treatment in the French recommendations for migraine management.

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