
The phytoecological study of the alder forests of north-east Algeria shows that these habitats with boreal affinities harbour very high species richness (> 400 species) and complex structures, which suggest their ancient origin. They correspond phytosociologically to two syntaxa, the Campanulo alatae-Alnenion glutinosae (riparian alder forests) and the Rusco hypophylli-Alnetum glutinosae (peat-forming alder carrs), respectively. Their degraded state and their regressive dynamics, observed during the 14 years of the study, reveal their precarious situation and their rapid ongoing decline under the influence of human-induced uncontroled disturbances (cutting, burning, draining, dumping…). With regard to their ecological, historical and patrimonial importance, the alder forests of Algerian Numidia should be urgently protected, with the aim of assuring the perennity of their exceptional floristic corteges.

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