
Eastern Nevada is widely recognized as a region of tectonic extension. The dominant structures are generally agreed to be low-dipping, younger over older faults and steeper listric faults that are responsible for the basins (grabens) and ranges (horsts). In the Schell Creek-Duck Creek Range, east of Ely, and in the White Pine Range, southwest of Ely, small lenticular structures bounded by tectonic discontinuities can be clearly seen in the field. These lenticular units, or stretch structures, range in length from a few meters to more than 200 m. All lenticular stretch structures that can be clearly seen in the field are stratigraphically restricted; the stretched formations are the Eureka Quartzite, the Pilot Shale, the Joana Limestone, and the Chainman Shale. Still larger stretch structures, which may include several formations, are inferred, and the authors suggest that extension has created lenticular structures at all scales. The Duck Creek and Schell Creek Ranges east of Ely consist mostly of Devonian and older rocks. They are separated by a topographically lower area containing mostly Mississippian and Pennsylvanian rocks. This structure, which separates the ranges, has been referred to as a graben, but field evidence suggests that it is a large-scale lenticular stretch structure.more » Unlike a true graben, the structure does not extend downward. For example, in several places within the supposed graben, Cambrian and Ordovician rocks project through a cover of Carboniferous Chainman Shale and Ely Limestone, suggesting the Chainman-Ely is a thin sheet underlain by Cambrian-Ordovician rocks. Accordingly, they suggest that extension in the Duck Creek-Schell Creek Ranges stretched the formations into lenticular bodies. Between the Duck Creek and Schell Creek Ranges, the Cambrian-Ordovician is attenuated, and the resulting tectonic depression is occupied by a lenticular mass of Carboniferous rocks.« less

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