
Length-weight relationships (LWRs) were estimated for seven fish species captured as bycatch along the Chennai coast, Bay of Bengal, Eastern Indian Ocean. Fish samples were collected fortnightly between June-2018 to February-2019 from the commercial boats operating bottom trawl nets with a cod-end mesh size of 35mm. The total length (L) and the wet weight (W) to the nearest 0.1 cm and 0.01 g, respectively which is followed by regression analysis. The values of exponent (b) for LWRs varied from 2.5803 (Parachaeturichthys polynema) to 3.4432 (Ostorhinchus oxina). Similarly, a value varied between 0.0037 (Bleekeria kallolepis) and 0.0258 (Archamia bleekeri). As per FishBase, a new TLmax has been recorded for four species such as Ostorhinchus oxina, Jaydia striata, Bleekeria kallolepis and Cocotropus roseus.

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