
Low molecular weight glutenin subunits are important components of wheat seed storage protein, and play a significant in determining the end-use quality characteristics of wheat varieties. Allelic variation of the LMW-GS is associated with the significant differences of dough quality in bread and durum wheat, and has been widely evaluated at protein level in wheat and its relatives. In this study seven specific primers, specifically amplify genes located at the Glu-A3 and Glu-D3 loci, were employed to assay the length variation of LMW-GS genes in the A and D-genomes of diploid wheats. A total of 86 accessions of diploid wheats, including 10 accessions of T. boeoticum and 76 accessions of Ae. tauschii, were investigated. Seven alleles were detected in accessions of T. boeoticum (Glu-A3 locus) by two pairs of specific primers and eighteen alleles were detected in accessions of Ae. tauschii (Glu-D3 locus) by five pairs of specific primers. A higher level of allelic variation of LMW-GS was found in accession T. boeoticum and Ae. tauschii with Nei’s genetic variation index (H) of 0.82 and 0.92, respectively. This allelic variation could be used as valuable source for the enrichment of genetic variations and the alteration of flour-processing properties of the cultivated wheat.

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