
This paper analyzes the importance of political legitimacy in police actions in Mexico, especially in regions where criminal cartels build strategies that seek to justify their criminal activities through social and political actions that give them the legitimacy that the police lack on local and sub-national governments. The article observes aspects of legitimacy of the National Police of Colombia that can be applied to the Mexican case, specifically to the recently created Mexican National Guard. The analysis focuses on the municipalities of the so-called Tierra Caliente, Michoacana that exemplify the problems of political legitimacy and the difficulties that this implies for police activity.


  • The stability and functioning of any type of political regimen are based on the combination of the capacity of rulers and government to use force based on political legitimacy and the acceptance of such measures by citizens (Paletta, 2011)

  • The new National Guard seeks to absorb some of the political legitimacy enjoyed by the Mexican army, but its creation comes in a context of a new federal administration that enjoys political legitimacy thanks to the strong mandate it received by winning a high percentage of votes (53%)

  • Legitimacy is a fundamental factor for proper police operation

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Legitimidad política en México y policía en zonas de alto conflicto

El presente trabajo analiza la importancia de la legitimidad política en el accionar policial en México, sobre todo, en regiones donde los carteles criminales construyen estrategias que buscan justificar sus actividades delictivas mediante acciones sociales y políticas que les otorguen la legitimidad de la cual carecen los gobiernos locales y sub-nacionales. El artículo observa aspectos de legitimidad de la Policía Nacional de Colombia que pueden aterrizarse al caso mexicano, específicamente a la recién creada Guardia Nacional Mexicana. El análisis se focaliza en los municipios de la llamada Tierra Caliente, Michoacana que ejemplifican los problemas de legitimidad política y las dificultades que esto implica para la actividad policial

Police and political legitimacy
Political legitimacy and police at the municipal level
Mexican national guard and legitimacy
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