
A 2-[ 18F]-Fluoro-2-Deoxy- D-Glucose ([ 18F]FDG) and positron emission tomography (PET) study was performed in the acute and chronic phase of stroke in one patient with unilateral neglect due to a right hemispheric lesion. In the acute phase, severe neglect, as well as hypometabolism in both the right and in the left unaffected cerebral hemisphere, was demonstrated. At follow-up evaluation the patient showed an almost complete recovery fromunilateral neglect. This was associated with a return of left hemisphere metabolism to normal values and partial metabolic recovery in the right hemisphere, where frontal and parietal areas remained functionally impaired. Another patient with an extensive right cerebral ischaemic lesion on CT and severe unilateral neglect was studied by PET in chronic phase. A severe metabolic depression in the left unaffected hemisphere and in the right cerebral areas spared by the lesion, was found. These data suggest that the remission of unilateral neglect might be associated to a functional metabolic recovery in both the undamaged left hemisphere and the unaffected regions of the right hemisphere.

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