
In the mammalian olfactory system, oscillations related to odour representation have been described in field potential activities. Previous results showed that in olfactory bulb (OB) of awake rats engaged in an olfactory learning, odour presentation produced a decrease of oscillations in gamma frequency range (60–90 Hz) associated with a power increase in beta frequency range (15–40 Hz). This response pattern was strongly amplified in trained animals. The aim of this work was twofold: whether learning also induces similar changes in OB target structures and whether such OB response depends on its centrifugal inputs. Local field potentials (LFPs) were recorded through chronically implanted electrodes in the OB, piriform and enthorhinal cortices of freely moving rats performing an olfactory discrimination. Oscillatory activities characteristics (amplitude, frequency and time-course) were extracted in beta and gamma range by a wavelet analysis. First, we found that odour induced beta oscillatory activity was present not only in the OB, but also in the other olfactory structures. In each recording site, characteristics of the beta oscillatory responses were dependent of odour, structure and learning level. Unilateral section of the olfactory peduncle was made before training, and LFPs were symmetrically recorded in the two bulbs all along the acquisition of the learning task. Data showed that deprivation of centrifugal feedback led to an increase of spontaneous gamma activity. Moreover, under this condition olfactory learning was no longer associated with the typical large beta band. As a whole, learning modulation of the beta oscillatory response in olfactory structures may reflect activity of a distributed functional network involved in odour representation.

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