
This paper describes the games based learning in continuous training for military personal in order to increase their capacity to assume the functions or leadership roles from the organization chart and includes any combination of courses, applications and participation in the theatres of operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo. Today the military training has a specific character given by the possibility for simulation war games in conditions close to reality. To be well prepared army it is necessary to assure a balance between classical training and simulated tactical situations through strategic games which offers experiential learning model. All methods are performed by well standardized regulations in accordance with NATO standards and makes possible strategic games in e-learning systems. Also, the concept of professional performance in the military institution is a set of behaviours, closely related to individual motivation, which are involved in resolving problems through games based learning that are relevant to the military profession and organization goals. The mainly advantages of using strategic games in military training are that the environment does not support damages caused by military explosive material used in classical simulations in the field, the lack of collateral victims, and minimize the possible accidents during the simulation. Also, privacy and confidentiality is ensured through security operations provided by computer. In the military field, in particular, application of traditional criteria "efficiency" is problematic (there is no clear relationship between the "costs" and "results"), not all work can be valued in financial terms. However, the strategic computer games offer the possibility to measure parameters which are not possible to identify in real condition and "learning by doing".

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