
Title: Lean Office in the public sector: Proposal for the Auction Section of a Teaching Unit. Objective of the work: The presente study aims to elaborate a proposal of the value flow of the internal phase of the auction process for the hiring of services of a continuous nature, adapted to the reality of IF Sudeste MG – Campus Barbacena, preserving legal aspects that govern the public administration. Procedures / Methods for Problem Solving: To diagnose the problem, data were collected from documental research, semi-structured interviews and participant observation. Lean Philosophy techniques were used and Case Study was taken as research strategy, wich made it possible to investigate in depth the selected product family for value stream mapping and achievement of objectives. Results: The selected product family was the internal phase of the auction process for contracting continuous services of unarmed patrimonial surveillance. The main technique used was the Current State Value Stream Mapping. The Process had a 71% Efficiency, a Lead Time of 113 days, the waste found as waiting time, transportation, movement and defect were treated with Kaizen event indications in Future State Value Stream Mapping, which reduced the lead time of the process to 73 days. Pratical Inplications: The model proposed in the Future State Value Stream Mapping was presented to managers and discussed until the consensus of the possibility of applicability of the Solution Proposal. Originality and contributions: The originality of the research can be caracterized by its construction based on a concrete case wicho sought in the literature techniques adopted to solve similar problems already addressed in the scientific community through Lean Philosophy. Technical / Technological Production: The Future State Map and the procedures for reaching the future state is the Technical / Technological product derived from this research. The future state to be achieved will bring innovation in the production of auction prcesses, strengthen teamwork and from small improvements, it will shape a culture of continuous process improvement.

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