
Global climate change creates new environmental scenarios and selective pressures; thus, a better understanding of the plasticity of plant functional traits is needed to predict how plant species will respond to shifts in climate. Among the important functional traits for plants are their hydraulic properties which ultimately determine their photosynthetic capacity, growth rate, and survival in a changing environment. In this study, the light sensitivity of leaf (KL) and branch hydraulic conductance (KB) to fast changes in irradiance, and hydraulic plasticity (PIh) was studied in two broadleaved tree species differing in water-use strategy—silver birch (Betula pendula) and hybrid aspen (Populus × wettsteinii). The KL increased by a factor of 3.5 and 1.5 from minimal values recorded in darkness to maximal values in high light conditions for birch and aspen, respectively, indicating a significantly higher PIh for birch (0.72) than for aspen leaves (0.35). KB increased 1.5-fold from dark to light conditions for both species. The high light sensitivity of KL and KB provides a regulatory mechanism to maintain a balance between transpirational demand and hydraulic supply. The plasticity of these traits increases the ability of plants to cope with a rapidly changing environment and to adapt to global climate change.

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