
The atomization behaviour of Pb introduced to the electrothermal atomizer in a slurry of Al 2O 3 and in a solution of Al(NO 3) 3 has been studied. The characteristics of the absorbance vs time profiles are highly dependent on the way in which Pb is incorporated in the matrix. In particular, Pb adsorbed on the surface of Al 2O 3 particles behaves differently from Pb entrapped within the particles. Atomization using platform and wall atomization from both pyrolytic and non-pyrolytic graphite surfaces is described. Pyrolytic platforms do not always provide complete recovery and better results are obtained with atomization from a non-pyrolytic platform surface within a pyrolytically coated tube. With wall atomization, large differences in the absorbance vs time profiles precludes its use for quantitative determinations. However, wall atomization should be useful for future studies of the kinetic and thermodynamic processes of Pb release. Finally, the feasibility of using the non-resonance Pb line at 261.4 nm to reduce the analytical sensitivity is examined. The strong dependence of the lower energy level population on temperature makes this difficult, but the absorbance profiles with non-pyrolytic platform atomization show that all forms of Pb can be made to atomize at similar temperatures.

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