
Methods. – Eighty children were treated at the hospital Armand-Trousseau (Paris, France) for a malaria attack from 1999-01-01 to 2000-02-01. Results. – The parasites were: Plasmodium falciparum: 87.5%, Plasmodium malariae: 12.6%, Plasmodium ovale: 10%, Plasmodium vivax: 6.3%. Mean age was 8.1 years (range: three months to 15 y). The origin of patients was: West Africa for 60 children, Central Africa for ten children and Comores for seven. Sixty-six patients suffered from common malaria attack and seven children were admitted with a presentation of severe malaria. The severe attacks were cerebral malaria for six cases, associated with severe anemia in five cases; the 7th child had a respiratory distress (ARDS) and died. The other six cases were cured without sequelae. Relapses were observed for eight patients: one after a severe cerebral malaria, six after a common P. falciparum attack, one after a P. ovale attack. Parasitemia was higher than in preceeding years (mean 2.9%) and more than 5% in 11 cases, but without clear link with severity. Treatment by halofantrine with a single cure was followed by five relapses. None of those children received an effective prophylaxis during and after travel (55/80 without any prophylaxis). Conclusion. – These data emphasize the importance of a good appraisal of criteria of severe malaria and lead to advice hospitalization of children with malaria in temperate zone.

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