
An anonymous treatise composed in 1283 by a Dominican brother for the novices of his order proposes in the penultimate chapter a pictura, consisting of an image and a text in rhymed prose. This article presents an edition of the text while analysing and examining the sources of the formula uestiarius uirtutum in the Psalms and in the rule of Saint Augustine, and its echo in the daily life of the Dominicans. The image and the text repeat in their own way the analogy between the Dominican habit and the cardinal virtues developed in the chapter; the master of the novices takes up symbolically the theology of the virtues and the relations between grace and nature. The pedagogical dimension of the image is transferred to the Dominican theological context of the 13th century: a tool for teaching (theological content and method), a support for memory, a means for moral progress that mobilises both intelligence through imagination and will-power through the emotions.

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