
The article is devoted to the comprehensive study of the legal framework for combating corruption in China. The author considers the provisions of the existing acts of the law-making process in the field of study in question: China's Constitution, the Criminal Code of the PRC, the existing laws and regulations, departmental and party documents. The author makes a conclusion about a possible use of the Chinese government's experience in their combatting corruption, in particular restoring institutions of seizure of proerty and criminal liability of legal persons for corruption offenses in the criminal law of the Russian Federation. The unwillingness of Russian society to apply capital punishment for corruption (on the model of China), a serious increase of salary for public servants (on the model of Singapore). The downside of the Chinese experience is believed to be a comprehensive due process of official's activities regarding the costs undertaken by them, which leads to increased levels of bureaucracy in the system of public authorities. Much attention is paid to the study of the role of the ruling of the Communist Party in the liquidation of corruption in the Chinese society. The author states the need to examine the experience of China's law-making process in the field of anti-corruption in order to be applied by the Russian legislators, taking into account national peculiarities of national legal culture and enforcement practice.

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