
Birds breeding in northern latitudes generally have elevated plasma testosterone levels throughout the breeding season with a peak at the onset of the breeding season. In contrast, tropical birds tend to have extremely low plasma testosterone levels year round with only a slight increase during breeding. While these patterns have been consistent in the species investigated, closely related species have not been investigated across a range of latitudes. Birds of the genus Zonotrichia present an ideal opportunity to investigate latitudinal variation in plasma testosterone levels as breeding populations occur from northern Alaska to southern Argentina. We studied three taxa of Zonotrichia: (1) Gambel’s white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, breeding at high latitude in northern Alaska, (2) Puget Sound white-crowned sparrows, Z. l. pugetensis, breeding at mid-latitude in Washington state, and (3) an equatorial population of the rufous-collared sparrow, Z. capensis, in Ecuador. To compare both baseline breeding and maximal testosterone levels, males from the three taxa were either bled immediately upon capture during the breeding season or first challenged with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and then bled. As a control, another group of birds experienced a saline challenge. Two-way ANCOVA, with treatment and taxa as factors and testis volume as a covariate, showed a significant effect of treatment on plasma testosterone levels. There was also a significant interaction between taxa and treatment. Contrary to expectations, the equatorial species exhibited greater plasma testosterone levels in response to the GnRH challenge than the high latitude species. There were no differences between the mid- and high-latitude species. The equatorial species had the smallest average testis size and within each taxa there were no relationships between plasma testosterone and testis size. These data suggest that latitudinal clines in plasma testosterone levels in Zonotrichia do not follow previously described patterns and that tropical birds can have levels of testosterone similar to northern latitude species.

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