
The widely distributed Cenozoic sediments in the Bohai Bay Basin give rise to noticeable modification of broadband teleseismic P waveforms. At one station in the west Bohai Bay Basin, the observed amplitude of tangential P-receiver func- tions is significantly above the noise level, and sedimentary reverberations (e.g., the P-type wave PpPp) remain one of the most prominent features in both the radial and tangential components. To investigate the lateral heterogeneity structure under this site, a 3D raytracing technique is used to compute the teleseismic P-wave response, and a fast simulated annealing algorithm is applied to the simultaneous inversion of radial receiver functions for different backazimuths. An upper crustal structure con- sisting of shallow dipping sedimentary layers with low seismic velocities and large Poisson's ratios is proposed to interpret the observed seismic data. The west-dipping interfaces we obtained are consistent with the north-northeast-south-southwest sur- face geology in North China, and Tertiary extensional fault structures may be re- sponsible for the formation of dipping sedimentary layers.

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