
The large suture zones of Central Asia formed dur� ing Paleozoic accretional events were reactivated in the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic in the course of thrust and strikeslip deformations (1). Among such structures is the Erkis-Bulgan fault formed in the Cambrian-Middle Ordovician (2). The fault occurs for more than 2000 km in West Mongolia, North China, and East Kazakhstan, where it is observed in the Irtysh shear zone. Metamorphic complexes of var� ious nature and ages expose in the environs of this shear zone. The chronology of stages of metamor� phism and deformations plays a key role in reconstruc� tions of the history of the formation of accretional structures in Central Asia and in the tectonothermal models of the evolution of the collisional zones. We have made an attempt to determine age relationships between brittle-plastic deformations and metamor� phism within the Tseel metamorphic belt located in

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