
Combined investigations of isotopes, pollen, and molliisc shells were carried out on a Latc Glacial limnic high‐resolution sediment sequence from the Geiseltal open‐cast mine in Central Gcrmany. The dala confirm thc division of the Late Glacial biozones into two colder (Older and Younger Dryas) and two warmer periods (Bølling, Allcrød), which have already bccn cstablishcd lor the Central and Northern German area. Radiocarbon data, mainly based on wood material, cover a time span between c, 10 800 BP and 12 760 BP, indicating a mean sedimentation rate of c. 2 mm/yr. The stable isotope data (δ18O, δ13C) reflect the transition periods between the climatic phases as changes in relative air humidity (transition from dry, cold to warmer. more humid conditions). The dominance of evaporation effects, however, is superimposed on any ternpcratiirc aignal throughout the profile. Repeated conversions of the hydrologic regime (silting‐up phases. lake‐level variations) characterize the specific history of the lake development.

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