
The Apuseni-Banat-Timok-Srednogorie (ABTS) Magmatic and Metallogenic Belt can be traced from the Apuseni Mountains in the north, through the western part of the South Carpathians (Banat) in Romania, the Timok region in East Serbia, the Srednogorie zone (Bulgaria) and continues in Turkey through the Black Sea. The basement belongs to the southern margin of the European continent. The ABTS Belt is unconformly superimposed on older structures, including the Early Cretaceous ones. Furthermore, it crosses the Vardar ophiolite suture in the Mures and Voevodina regions. These facts indicate a new stage in the alpine evolution which followed the subduction of the Vardar Ocean and subsequent collision. This new stage was characterized by an extensional geodynamic regime. The ABTS arcuate rift was formed as a result of postcollisional orogenic collapse. The Late Cretaceous magmatic activity with submarine volcanic rocks and comagmatic intrusions began during the Cenomanian and ended during the Maastrichtian. Volcanic and associated predominantly flysch-type sedimentary deposits form a 2-3 to 7-8 km thick pile. The magma generation in ABTS extensional belt was realized in different depth level, which determines differences of melt compositions. Rock association of calc-alkaline, tholeitic, subalkaline and alkaline series are established. The petrologic features of the alkaline and subalkaline rocks and several Sr isotope analyses show the mantle origin of the parent magma. The calc-alkaline magma was generated predominantly around the boundary between mantle and lower crust. Porphyry copper and copper massive sulphide deposits are the most important. Some of them have an economical content of gold and/or molybdenum. There are skarn and vein type copper deposits, too. Other important deposits are iron, tungsten-molybdenum and lead-zinc skarn deposits. Besides, small hydrothermal base metal-gold, barite, porphyry gold, silver and volcano-sedimentary iron-manganese deposits are known. The plutonic, subvolcano-plutonic, volcano-plutonic, volcano-subvolcanic and volcanic ore-bearing structures are distinguished. The geochemical associations show the predominance of mantle sources of the ore-forming fluids.

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