
Two laser-based diagnostic methods, resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), were used for relative concentration measurements of seven species, O, H, OH, CH, CO, HCO, and CH 3, in low pressure stoichiometric methane oxygen , ethylene oxygen , and ethane oxygen premixed hydrocarbon flames. For the well-understood methane oxygen flame, measured relative density profiles for these seven species were in good agreement with flame modeling calculations. This agreement justifies the use of the stoichiometric methane oxygen flame as a standard of comparison by which relative density profiles, measured for other hydrocarbon flames, may be placed on an absolute density scale. This approach was applied to measurements for the ethylene oxygen and ethane oxygen flames. Peak HCO densities for these flames appear to be overstimated by model calculations based on current kinetic models of C 1 and C 2 chemistry.

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