
A novel scheme is proposed for sequential cooling of rotation, translation, and vibration of molecules. More generally, this scheme manipulates and controls the states and energies of molecules. The scheme, while somewhat complex, is simpler and more feasible than simply providing a large number of synchronously but independently tunable lasers. The key component is a multiple single frequency laser (MSFL) in which a single narrow band pump laser generates an ensemble of resonant ‘‘stimulated Raman’’ (RSR) sidebands (subsequently amplified and selected) in a sample of the molecules to be cooled. Starting with a relatively cold molecular sample (e.g., a supersonic beam of Cs2), the rotation of molecules is cooled by sequential application of P branch electronic transition frequencies transverse to the molecular beam beginning at higher rotational angular momentum J. Then translation of molecules is cooled by application of multiple low J, P, and R branch transition frequencies which counterpropagate with the molecular beam and are synchronously chirped over their Doppler profiles. Finally, vibration of molecules is cooled by blocking the R(0) line of the 0–0 band. Only this specific order of rotation–translation–vibration appears feasible (using molecules produced by photoassociation of ultracold atoms avoids the requirement for translational cooling). Each step employs true dissipative cooling (i.e., reduction of system entropy in three degrees of freedom) by spontaneous emission and should yield a large translationally cold sample of molecules in the lowest (v=0, J=0) level of the ground electronic state, suitable for studies such as molecule trapping, ‘‘molecule optics,’’ or long range intermolecular states.

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