
The larval morphology of 20 water mite species from Alpine springs is described, with that of Protzia distincta, Tartarothyas romanica, Sperchon mutilus, S. resupinus, S. violaceus, Bandakia concreta, Lebertia cuneifera, L. lativentris, L. sefvei, Atractides adnatus, A. panniculatus, A. macrolaminatus and A. walteri being presented for the first time. For the other 7 species (Panisus michaeli, Panisopsis curvifrons, Thyas palustris, Partnunia steinmanni, Sperchon thienemanni, Lebertia zschokkei and Hygrobates norvegicus), old descriptions exist but, in most cases are not accurate enough to be usable in taxonomy. These species have therefore been re-described. Some general observations on larval morphology and taxonomy are discussed. A short survey of the larval descriptions of West-Palaearctic water mites in general and of spring-living taxa in particular is given, together with a perspective for future research into larval morphology in this geographical area.

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