
During the lift-off phase of a space launcher, powerful rocket motors generate harsh acoustic environment on the launch pad. Following the blast waves created at ignition, jet noise is a major contributor to the acoustic loads received by the launcher and its payload. This paper describes recent simulations performed at ONERA to compute the noise emitted by solid rocket motors at lift-off conditions. Far-field noise prediction is achieved by associating a LES solution of the jet flow with an acoustics surface integral method. The computations are carried out with in-house codes CEDRE for the LES solution and KIM for Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings porous surface integration method. This work has been conducted in the framework of the cooperation on launcher acoustics between CNES (French National Space Agency) and JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) involving the French AEID research group. The test case is that of a reduced scale solid rocket motor, fired vertically and has been provided by JAXA. Comp...

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