
In the context of modern gender studies, the study of the concept of ‘woman’ is relevant. In the work of Oksana Zabuzhko, the topic of women is key, and therefore attracts attention. The purpose of the work is to comprehensively analyze the verbal means of expressing the concept of ‘woman’ in the artistic discourse O. Zabuzhko.The material for the study was the filing of text fragments characterizing the female, formed by a continuous sampling of the story «Girls» of O. Zabuzhko. The main method of research has become descriptive. The following methods were also used: conceptual analysis of linguistic units, contextual-interpretation analysis.In the structure of the concept, 3 microconcepts with the corresponding conceptual aspects are distinguished: «External characteristics» (‘external signs’, ‘‘age’, ‘clothes’); «Internal characteristics» (‘moral and ethical qualities’, ‘emotional and psychological characteristics and conditions’, ‘intelligence’); «Social characteristics» (‘marital status’, ‘attitude towards the husband, the family, children, to the environment’, ‘social and sexual characteristics’). The core of the concept is the nomination woman in the meaning of ‘female personality’, since the main characters appear not only in their mature age, but also in memories of their school age (8 – 15 years).The microconcept «External Characteristics» is revealed not by way of description of the appearance of the characters, but by separate characteristic features with the help of adjective epithets, comparisons and metaphors. For example, in the youth of Lena with «примхливою, ламкою геометрією» of the physique, in adulthood – «така здоровенна цьоха, діжа діжею».The microconcept «Internal characteristics» is verbalized mainly by evaluative substances with epithets. The image of Darka correlates with nominations, an excellent student, a championship in the classroom, captaincy in a school team, and others. The image of Lenka is accompanied by the basics: a good-natured, thinner and spiritually richer nature.The microconcept «Social characteristics» is represented by substantive indications on the role status of heroines in society. The image of an adult Lenya is accompanied by the basics: disrupted pregnancy, nymphomania, style easily accessible.Thus, even in the context of one story O. Zabuzhko, a woman appears multi-faceted, voluminous and strikingly realistic.

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